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Inquiring about solar energy and how it could work on your farm? Check out OSU Extension's Farmland Guide to answer some of your questions. 

Environmental Education Grants

Wildlife Education Grant – ODNR Division of Wildlife $500/year. Grants can fund multiple projects at one location, but only one grant is permitted each fiscal year (July 1-June 30). ANYTHING that promotes wildlife. Native plantings, nesting boxes, signage, field trips, research, etc.

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Ohio Environmental Education Fund

For…(1) the general public; (2) the regulated community; and (3) pre-school through university students and teachers. General grants are available for $5,000 to $50,000, and mini grants for projects costing between $500 and $5,000. Mini-grants are awarded to projects that can be done within a year. OEEF will make available approximately $1/2 million annually.


Division of Wildlife Aquatic Education Grant Program,an%20aquatic%20education%20learning%20experience.

Grants up to $10,000 in any fiscal year

What is the Aquatic Education Grant Program?

The ODNR Division of Wildlife Aquatic Education Grant Program is designed to increase aquatic stewardship and sport fishing participation. Applicants should address the following criteria:

  • The project must include an opportunity for the participants to engage in an aquatic education learning experience. 

  • Projects that include a hands-on fishing opportunity are preferred.

  • A final report must be submitted to the ODNR Division of Wildlife upon completion of the project.


What are some suggested activities that are eligible for funding?

  • Teen Leadership Fishing Retreat 

  • OSU Stone Lab Program

  • Water Quality & Fish Monitoring Program

  • Fly Fishing Clinic

  • Aquarium and start-up equipment for Trout in the Classroom (T.I.C.) program

NOTE: Activities involving competition are not eligible. Activities and events must have an educational value and include a hands-on experience.


Ag Credit of Ottawa Up to $15,000/year. Grants accepted form March 1-August 31. Funds awarded by December 31. For education, environment, technology, quality of rural life.



In 2022, the Dominion Energy Charitable Foundation will award up to $1 million through a competitive Environmental Education and Stewardship grants program. Eligible organizations include nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations and public and private K-12 schools in communities served by Dominion Energy companies (see Geographic Eligibility below). The Dominion Energy Charitable Foundation considers grant requests up to $50,000 that focus on specific, short-term projects that promise measurable results to improve the environment, and K-12 requests up to $5,000. The projects support one or more of the following priorities:

  • Educating students and the public about environmental stewardship

  • Protecting and preserving natural habitats

  • Improving open spaces and making nature accessible


The National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) - “Cultivating an environmentally conscious and responsible public”

$1,000’s of dollars of annual grants annually in different categories that target environmental learning and STEM.


The Wild Ones

Local schools, nature centers, after school care programs, community center or youth groups in need of funding for a native garden or habitat for hands-on learning can apply for this grant. They provide grants ranging from $100 to $500 for native plant gardens and landscaping projects throughout the United States. All public and private schools, non-profits such as nature centers, youth organizations and community youth centers in the US are welcome to apply so long as the project uses native plants or seeds to educate youth. Please note, at this time, SFE grants do not fund vegetable gardens.

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